6A Social Studies

What are we going to learn this week?

What are we going to learn in this unit?
How am I graded?
What do I have for homework?
What should be in my binder?
What are we going to do this week?
What are we going to learn this year?
What supplies do I need for class?
Who is Mr. Mantes?

Any student who misses a class must see me after school.  This is the responsibility of the student.  Music students are not given an extension on classwork or homework and are expected to come after school to find out what they have missed.

Dates:  Monday, September 14 - Friday, September 18


First Class:
Students will be introduce the Flocabulary Concept and present a writer's workshop associated with using hip-hop and other pop culture elements in Social Studies.
Second Class:
Students will be able to explain how Lincoln tried to solve the problem of the federal forts.
Third Class:
Students will be able to write newspaper articles or raps.
Fourth Class
Students will be able to.

Fifth Class

Students will be able to explain why the Union was surprised by the outcome of Bull Run.