Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Period 1: Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:
Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28
of 41).
Period 2: Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:
Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28
of 41).
Period 3: Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below: Bryant
Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28 of 41).
Period 6: Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:
Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28
of 41).