6A Social Studies

What do I have for homework?

What are we going to learn in this unit?
How am I graded?
What do I have for homework?
What should be in my binder?
What are we going to do this week?
What are we going to learn this year?
What supplies do I need for class?
Who is Mr. Mantes?

Remember: You have one day to hand in a late assignment, but you will get 10 points off.  If an assignment is more than a day late it becomes a zero.  However, if you hand in an assignment one day early, you get five extra points.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Period 1:  Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:  Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28 of 41).
Period 2 Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:  Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28 of 41).
Period 3:  Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:  Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28 of 41).
Period 6:  Watch the following video lectures by clicking on the link below:  Bryant Gumbel Visits Fort Sumter (#26 of 41) and The States Pick Sides After Attack on Fort Sumter (#28 of 41).


Mr. T says, "I pity the fool who doesn't do Mr. Mantes' homework assignments!"

These video lectures will supplement the unit we are currently studying.